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If File Already Exists:
Action to take if current file download already exists.  

Files to Save:
When downloading using the "Download hyperlinked files from listed pages", you can specify what type of file to download. When adding types to the list, they must begin with a dot "." You can also choose to download all file types or ensure that the filetypes list is case sensitive. A drop down menu with a configuration option is available to allow you to quickly switch between type lists.
Max Expand URL Size:
   When downloading using Donwload Listed Files with Expandable Sections enabled, you can specify a maximum list size that a URL can be expanded to. The URL will be ignored if it expands to a list size larger than this value. This prevents malicious links from using up too many system resources. This setting is not saved in settings files, but in the registry, to avoid you loading a file with a value that is too large for your system to handle.

Windows XP(tm) look and feel:
Enable or disable the Windows XP(tm) look and feel. Takes effect when you restart Bukster. (Windows XP only)

Encrypt saved settings:
   For increased personal privacy, you have the option of encrypting your settings. You must first specify your new password. From then on when saving you enter this password when saving in encrypted format. You must have the box ticked prior to saving to let Bukster know you want to encrypt your settings. You can also change your password from here. Be warned however that passwords cannot be retrieved if you forget it. If you forget your password, you can reset password status by deleting the registry key (Click Start->Run..., enter regedit.exe and click ok):
This Key holds a message digest (irreversable encryption) of your password.
   Deleting this key does not compromise your security, it just means that you must start over again and enter an initial password. This manual approach is intentional as it avoids accidentally deleting your password.

Register/UnRegister Browser Click Handler/File Association:
   Click Register if you want Bukster to handle Bukster URLs (URLs starting with bkstr://) so when you click on a Bukster link in your browser, Bukster will handle it.
   Example: In your html page you can put a link to
HTML: <a href="bkstr://{01-10}.zip">click here</a>

If Bukster handler is registered, it will start up and handle the link by putting{01-10}.zip

in the main download list. (Note the start of the handled URL). bkstr:// is not a net protocol just a way of letting Bukster handle HTTP links.

   NOTE: As of Bukster version 1.15 two new xml based file formats have been added to Bukster to overcome the 64KB filesize limit imposed by the Windows Ini file type. These are .xfs (xml version of .hfs) and .xfe (xml version of .hfe). These new types are registerd upon installation, and can be used transparently.
   You also have the opportunity to register the .hfs .hfe .xfs and .xfe file types with Bukster. When registered, double clicking on a file of these types will open the file in Bukster.

·If the file type is .hfe or .xfe that means that it is encrypted. You must know the encryption algorithm AND password to be able to open it. THERE ARE NO "BACK DOOR" KEYS TO ALLOW RECOVERY OF DATA IN THE EVENT OF A PASSWORD BEING LOST OR FORGOTTEN!  
·If the filetype is .hfs OR .xfs, then the file is not encrypted and can be opened as normal.  

   You can also UnRegister the filetype association and browser click handler if you wish. Neither action changes any of your web browser settings.

Bukster Copyright ©2004 CladaSoft